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Sunday, March 13, 2016

SEO basics to improve archiving

SEO basics to improve archiving

Basics Sioux

Adsense Law Today Sioux, God willing, we will talk about the basics of SEO and ways to archive sites and blogger I spoke in a previous post on the outside Sioux detailed procedure on the topic of the day we will talk about the basics of Sioux to add more useful information in the field sites for the search engines and the consolidation of the basic building blocks in the science of Sioux.
Simple definition of SEO

SUI is a field of sites respect to search engines so that it becomes the subject, and locations of the leaders of the search results, another method is applied to a set of procedures for the sites in order to show the search engines properly, and these actions are internal (Sioux Interior) are those steps that site, such as improving the site , description and keywords in the title, some of which is external (outside Sioux), a definition of the site off-site to other similar sites and forums in the specialty on the popularity of our web site and raise the value of the site with search engines.

Sioux internal Strategy

Sioux interior is applied a series of important steps to the site to improve archiving and bring visitors 
to the site, the subject steps there are the right choice for the name of the site so you must include the word that we want to target in we had Fada our way is not filled the respect of rare photographs must name of the site is floor visitors an idea of ​​the place and the content is here include the basic elements that must be addressed in order to improve internal Sioux:
The word is included in the title of the page
Writing the word in the description of the site
Topics include exclusive immovable target word
Topics renewed not less than 500 words
Decker last word in the title
The word in the title of the target Decker paragraphs
You must enter the title of the show link
You should not exceed the target keyword density of 3%
Add pictures with a particular description includes the word
Adding internal links to similar blogs on topics in your site
Foreign strategic Sioux

Outside Sioux is a group of non-off measures site definition in other sites to drive traffic and improve archiving signed between these procedures is to add a link to the site to other sites with the same specialization of the site, it is advisable to have this site has the highest level in the rank and there are also added site to Google and Yahoo search engines Bing is an important step in the outer Sioux here are the basics of the outer Sioux:
Add your site to the search engines
Participation in the blogosphere with the addition of the site link
Participate in forums that have the same location Specialization
Add a map of your site for search engines
Create a page for the site on social networks
Create a channel on YouTube to publish videos
With regard to a new topic, and, God Willing 

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